Hey Tinkers, There's a new thing on TT, Suntopia UPDATE: Now there's a post like that in every place of Tinkatolli.:
(Picture by Gelu)
It's like a post! It has a picture, how Sundunia looks like, TinkaFair poster and a Mandala poster, and some posters behind the Mandala and TinkaFair poster. Right now you can't click or do anything on it, but.. I hope we will be able to :) I think there could be a posts like these in every place on Tinkatolli... UPDATE: Yes, there are now posts in every place, like Junkatolli etc... :) And now you can click on them!! Happy Tinka-tering!
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Hey Tinkas! Kevin updated the 1.07 Beta Version with some updates! Take a Look:

Report Players

Now, You can report players if they are Breaking the Rules. The moderators will check your report and try to help you!

Level Up Message!

Let your Friends know, When you are Leveling Up by the Message! It shows up when you are leveling up ;)

Get Tinka Points by Decorating your House!

Makers can easy get now Tinka Points by decorating their Own Home!

Spring Flowers

Spring iz in the air! Get these little flowers and gift them to friends :)
You may Need to Clear your Cache to see the flowers!

I love these Updates! I can't wait for more!

Tinka Time

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