Tinkatolli has updated the game with HUGE updates! Let's check them out!

New body & Playercard update - The new body is here! It has now a new design, and now the tinka is taller! Tinkatolli have also updated the playercard. 

Clothes & New Tinkachanger update - Tinkatolli have updated the game with clothes! Now, we can wear shirts, suits, shoes, and coming soon, accesories! Woot!! You can buy them with Trinkets. Just click the Tinkachanger button...

...then click the ''Shop For Clothes'' button.

You will be teleported to the shop! Here, you can buy many, many things.

New Map - After a looong time with the old map, it's time to say goodbye to it and say welcome to a new one!

New Tinkatips - In addition to the updates, Tinkatolli updated the log in screen.

New Loading screen!

Other updates - Tinkatolli have removed actions and other things for a short time.

That's amazing! I love the updates! I bet everyone have been waiting for these for a long time!


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