Today is a big day because Tinkatolli reached their Goal! The last hour was really exciting hour because in a very short time (10 minutes), Kickstarter got over 10,000$, making the main amount of 15,000$ make 25,000$, Which made everyone think that TinkaTolli will reach their goal, not much before the last hour of donating!
The project is now OVER with 302 backers and the beautiful amount of 30,218$, a bit more than the actual goal of 30,000$. Woot! Aslo, everyone who donated will get their prizes Soon!

I and TinkaTolli Tips (and all the tinkas who helped TinkaTolli with donating and/or telling friends) we wish you, he TinkaTolli Staff, a Big CONGRATULATIONS!
Now with this amount of money, we hope you all make this game better (even if its amazing!) and make real what you planed to make this money, which was given from the supporters, fans, players of TinkaTolli. Cheers!



  1. Congrats TinkaTolli, you guys deserved it! I was gonna donate, but my mum wouldnt let me


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