Hey tinkas,

This is my third Fun Friday :D click here to see the previous ones.

Interview with Tinkarobert97

What is your favorite room on Tinkatolli?
Robert: I like all the rooms in Tinkatolli, every room is drawn well and I don't have a favorite :P
Me: Yep :P
What do you think about Dirty Dozen?
Robert: Very good, I love to always take a chance to see what I get rather than taking the seeds
Me: Same here :D
What do you think of the Unusuals Outlet?
Robert: Very good, love to see what new items he brings waiting till the times right
What do you think of TinkaTrader and his ribbons?
Robert: A very good feature Tinkatolli has, it's very fun racing to try and get a badge from one-ten
Robert: & I don't do it anymore to give others a chance
Me: Yep :D
What do you think about the Sweet sixteen Tinkamaker contest?
Robert: A good chance to use their creativity making tinkas
Me: Yep :D
Robert: and it gives tinkas a chance to collect another badge if other tinkas like their tinka that they made
Me: Woot :P
What's your favorite makeable?
Robert: The boat
Robert: It's very handy to get to places such as Windy Ways without swimming in the cold water
Me: lol yep! :P
If you were a staff, what would you do to make Tinkatolli better?
Robert: I wouldn't make Tinkatolli better, the features Tinkatolli has atm(at the moment) are good
Robert: and I wouldn't make much of a chance apart from the new ideas ect.
Me: okay, thanks robert!

Fun Fact- First unusual ever

This week, I wanted to find out what the first ever unusual drawn by Luke was. I got the answer, and it was unexpected. It waan't in the first hunt, nor the second. It is in the Unusuals Outlet! It is, George Cutey!
Luke drew this egg in 2008 when he and Kevin made the company UOVO, which means egg in Italian. He drew two eggs for them, one was George Cutey for Luke. Kevin said he did not want to be cute, so Luke drew the Not so cute egg! 

Rare item- Pocket watch

The pocket watch came into Tinkatolli for Open Beta. Only the people that had a party then could give it away with their contest. Not many got it, so it came back in the Unusuals Outlet. It is still very rare.

Comment to be interviewed!


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