Hey there Tinkas!

We are proud to announce that our blog, TinkaTolli Tips, Is now one year old! One year ago, we started with only one little guide, then we've made the blog grown up with lots of new guides, help page, and tons of exclusives and posts about what's happening.

We started with these...

and now, we got these:

Photobucket Photobucket

And to make it even better - we are updating the guides with newand better Information, easy guided pictures, and videos.

Throughout the year we helped over 10,000 Tinkas with our posts about TinkaTrader, Forum Updates, Beta Versions and much more. We are trying to make the blog even better - we will be more faster when there's somenthing new in Tinkatolli, and we will try helping al the tinkas that are searching for help. Come back next weekend, and you'll see new guides pages, and new pictures - and in 2 months we will be preparing a new professional blog design, with awesome new features.

Thanks for picking our blog for the latest news!

Because tomorrow we are celebrating our first post - through this week, the most active tinka will be awarded with an 1 Month Membership Coupon! 

Being active in blog means: Tell everyone about our blog and commenting at every new post we will be making (even commenting on this one!)

The winner will be picked on 29th January!

-Gelu, Dukster and Cheweh


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